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& other sea treasures

Welcome in our sea treasure shop. 


As miniaturists, me and my husband spend most of the time in our home studio next to the desks.

When we need some fresh air after a long day, we go for a walk to our local beaches on the English North East coast. We love to search for sea glass and other treasures of the sea. Beachcombing can easily become an addiction.

Our favourite beaches are around Seaham. Glass factories in this area between 1850's - 1920's wasted their glass in the sea, so there is a good chance that the sea glass we find these days was in a Victorian factory worker's hand a hundred years ago. How cool is that? As a person who is passionate about folklore, I feel the pressure to add to the listings all the legends and traditions I learned about these treasures, so be ready for a lot of magic.


We share the beautiful things we find with collectors, jewellery makers or lovers of natural home decor.

Thank you for visiting our shop.

Agnes & Frank



We sell only genuine, unmodified sea glass. Pieces in this shop have been shaped by the sea. They are undrilled and uncarved. You will get the actual items seen on the photos. 


Sea Glass

Stones & Pebbles

Bits & Bobs

Anchor 1
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